Vice president wrote that it 'will be permanently reducing its workforce by at least 500 employees'




Twitter warns of massive fine over alleged misuse of personal information

Singer's live streams are making bank

This TV show may be the first to hit play on production again


加速自动驾驶,这家公司把平行驾驶带入现实 - 第一电动网:2021-7-2 · 平行驾驶越来越受到各大科研机构和公司的重视,这也预示“平行驾驶”将引发新一轮热潮。自动驾驶发展到这个阶段,目前面临最大的挑战就是上路问题了。而加州交管局DMV在今年三月伇出台的一项新规定“允许无人驾驶汽车在车内无驾驶员、安全员或测试员的情况下在公路上行驶,但需要车辆 ...

Several airlines are resuming international destinations

Next big coronavirus treatment may be this

3 ways you can lose your Social Security benefits


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Ground beef distributed across several states recalled over ‘high’ safety risk

These airlines have received the most complaints during coronavirus

Apple makes unusual announcement about new iPhone


Facebook leases workspace at landmark New York building

Disney theme parks reopen, but coronavirus hampers future plans

This year's gun sales have already outpaced 2023's total, research shows

New York attorney general reportedly joining California AG in Amazon investigation

Dolphins owner turns to company he invested in for team's COVID-19 protection



As coronavirus accommodations end, government urges banks to help borrowers

Chipotle launches sustainable product line featuring avocado-dyed apparel

New Hampshire legalizes 'flying cars' for the road

Here's Tesla's plan if the Cybertruck flops

Veepstakes Heats Up: Guide to Biden’s running mate options

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Coronavirus forcing footwear brands to focus on these shoes, not heels


Apple hit with $1.4B lawsuit by Chinese AI firm over Siri technology

Wawa to open entirely different type of store location in this state

SEE PICS: 'Housewives' stars list resort-like home — and aren't shy about it

平行板电容器的公式_百度知道:2021-6-1 · 理论 分析 表明,当平行 2113 板电 5261 容器的两极板间充 满同 一种 介质 时,电容 4102 C与极 板的 正对面积 1653 S、极板距离d的关系为 若平行板电容器的两极板间是真空时,则公式中没有相对介电常数ε(relative dielectric constant ),由公式 ...

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Elon Musk after historic SpaceX splashdown: 'I prayed for this one'

EXCLUSIVE: Trump campaign relaunches ads with focus on these states


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Why understanding 'motivation' can land you a real estate bargain

The 6 Ps that are crucial if you want to take your business to the next level

Herman Cain was an American patriot, and an inspiration

Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and the Big Tech reckoning